About Us

Lakeside Trolley is a hop on and hop off trolley, stopping at top destinations around Seneca Lake.

Our routes rotate daily between the East & West sides of the lake. Each side has unique stops that we have hand picked to include a variety of wineries, breweries, restaurants & activities.

You can choose to hop off at any destination on our route. The trolley will then be back between 50 & 80 minutes, depending on today’s schedule. Then you can hop back on the trolley to another destination on our route.

The trolley will stop for a couple minutes, at each destination, to load & unload passengers: Hop on or Hop off. Please be ready for the trolley at the time it is scheduled to arrive at your stop.

Carry a copy of our schedule with you (or download it on your cellphone) for the exact arrival and departure times.

You can see where our trolley is at all times with our easy to use Trolley Tracker. (click here)

Don’t miss the last trolley!

We hope you have a wonderful time on board the trolleys. Feel free to call us if you have any questions 607-302-1494

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