Our friends at The Cork Report are hosting the second annual Open Local Wine!
To take part in #openlocalwine all you need to do is:
Some wineries are even posting great deals to help spur your event participation: Visit their website to find participating winery deals: https://thecorkreport.us/openlocalwine-deals-from-participating-wineries/.
Please also make sure that you @ mention the winery/winemaker as well as The Cork Report on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram (we are @ginashay1, @lennthompson and @corkreportmedia on the latter two).
That will help us see and then share your posts with the larger #openlocalwine community.
Remember, ALL ARE WELCOME. We always want this event to be open to as many people as possible. That’s why we keep it easy to do and invite people from every corner of wine country to participate!